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Uncle Titus and His Visit to the Country Page 8
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Page 8
Early the next day, as Julius was clattering along the passage with hisbig riding-boots and spurs, he heard the sounds of practising in theschool-room, and knowing that Miss Hanenwinkel did not give lessons atthis hour, he pushed open the door to see what was going on. There satLili at the piano, and Wili stood by, looking as if he were impatientlycounting every minute till he could have his turn.
"What are you two about?" he called out, "is this the beginning of somemischievous prank?"
"Be quiet, Jule, we haven't a minute to lose," said Lili seriously. Julelaughed aloud and went on his way. Going down stairs, he met MissHanenwinkel.
"What has got into the twins now?" he asked. "Have they taken the notionof being virtuous, into their small noddles?"
"That is more likely at seven than at seventeen;" was all the answer hegot.
He went on down stairs still laughing, and just at the front door met hismother. She was starting at that early hour to try to see the doctorbefore he went from home, to ask him exactly the state of Dora's arm, andwhether there was any danger for the child. Aunt Ninette's anxiety hadinfected her, and she could not rest until she knew the probabilities ofthe case.
"Do I hear some one playing on the piano, Jule?" she asked. "It is anunusual sound for this time of day."
"Mother dear, I do believe that the end of the world is coming," repliedJulius;
"Lili is up there hurrying from one finger-exercise to another as if shecould not get enough of that exquisite amusement, and Wili is seated ather side in a similar condition of nervous industry, waiting for his turnat the piano."
"A strange state of things, to be sure, Jule," said his mother; "for itwas only yesterday that Miss Hanenwinkel was complaining to me that Lilidid not show the slightest interest in her music, and that she would noteven play her piece, much less her exercises."
"It's just as I said; the end of the world is coming," said Jule, turningtowards the stable.
"Let us hope rather the beginning," replied Mrs. Birkenfeld, starting inthe other direction to go down the hill towards the village. When shereached the doctor's house, she was so fortunate as to find him at home,and she asked him the question that so greatly disquieted her. He assuredher that the wound was doing perfectly well, and that there was not theslightest danger of any permanent stiffness of the arm; though helaughingly owned that he had made the worst of it to Dora, in order toimpress her with caution for the future. It would be all over in a day ortwo at farthest. Mrs. Birkenfeld was much relieved, for besides hersympathy for Dora, she had felt keenly her children's responsibility forthe misfortune.
On her way home Mrs. Birkenfeld stopped to speak to Aunt Ninette; not onlyto carry her the doctor's favorable verdict, but also to talk with herabout Dora. She now learned for the first time, that Dora was to earn herliving by sewing; and that for this reason her aunt felt obliged to keepher so closely to her shirt-making.
Mrs. Birkenfeld took a warm interest in Dora. She thought the little girlvery delicate for such heavy work, and she was glad that there was stillsome time left for her to grow stronger before she had to go back toKarlsruhe, and settle down to regular work again. She begged Aunt Ninetteto let the child, during the rest of their stay, give up the sewingentirely, and she offered to let her own seamstress make the shirts, thatDora might be free to amuse herself with the children, and gain strengthby play in the open air.
The self-possessed, quiet manner of Mrs. Birkenfeld had an excellenteffect on Mrs. Ehrenreich, and she acquiesced in this proposal without theslightest demur. Indeed the path of the future, that had looked so besetwith difficulties, seemed now to lie smooth before her, and all herprospects were brightened. She spoke with great thankfulness on herhusband's account; for he already found himself so improved by the freshair and quiet of the summer house, and he was so thoroughly comfortableand contented there, that he could hardly bear to leave it, even to comein at night.
When Mrs. Birkenfeld rose to go, she cordially invited Aunt Ninette tocome often to see her in the garden, saying that she must find it lonelyin the cottage, and that the open air would be good for her also. AuntNinette was much gratified by this courtesy, and accepted it withpleasure; quite forgetting the noise of the children, which had been sogreat a bugbear to her.
Dora had sprung out of bed that morning as soon as she opened her eyes,for the thought of the pleasure before her made her heart dance for joy.She had to curb her impatience however for a time, for Mrs. Ehrenreich didnot approve of imposing upon people who were inclined to be neighborly. Itwas not till Mrs. Birkenfeld had come over to the cottage, and aftertalking some time with the aunt had asked after Dora and repeated herinvitation, that the little girl was allowed to go. This time she did notstand still and look shyly about; with a few springing steps she reachedthe house, and at the door of the sitting-room she was received with achorus of welcoming voices; while Wili and Lili and little Hunne and Paulaall ran out to meet her, and draw her in among them. Julius, just returnedfrom his ride, had thrown himself as usual into an arm-chair, stretchingout his legs, as an intimation that he should like to have his bootspulled off. Dora ran forward and offered her services, frankly desirous ofmaking herself useful. But Jule instantly drew in his long legs.
"No, no, Dora; not for the world; what are you thinking about?" he cried,jumping up and very politely offering Dora his chair. Before she couldtake it, the twins pulled her away; saying "Come with us!" and Hunnetugged at her dress behind, calling loud, "Come with me!" while Paulareaching over him, whispered softly in her ear, "Go first with the twins;or they will keep this up all day; bye and bye I will come to you, andthen we can have some comfort together."
"Dora," said Jule, waving off the three noisy creatures, "I advise you tostay by me; it is your only hope of a happy existence in this house-hold;for I can tell you if you go with Paula, you will grow too romantic; youwill scarcely breathe the fresh air, and will lose your appetitecompletely. If you take Rolf for your companion, your whole existencewill become one great perpetual riddle."
"That it will be at any rate," remarked Miss Hanenwinkel, who was passingthrough the room at that moment.
"If you prefer to go with Miss Hanenwinkel," said Jule quickly, so thatthe governess might be sure to hear what he said; "you will be preservedin salt; quite the opposite you see to plums, which are done in sugar! Ifyour choice falls on the twins, you will be torn in two, and as to littleHunne; if you go with him he will talk you deaf!"
In spite of this melancholy prediction, Dora allowed herself to be carriedoff by the twins, and Hunne ran after them. When they reached the piano,Lili began to play her one piece, and when she came to the end, sheglanced at Dora who nodded so pleasantly that Lili, thus encouraged, beganagain at the beginning. Presently Dora began to sing the words; Wili, whowas waiting in vain for his chance to play, joined her; then Hunne too; sothat a loud chorus rang out cheerily from the school-room--
"Live your life merrily While the lamp glows; Ere it can fade and die, Gather the rose."
They were so carried away by their own music that the voices rose louderand louder, and Hunne's out-screamed them all. Presently Lili twirledround on her stool, and said, her eyes shining with joyful expectation:
"Just wait till to-morrow, Dora, and then you'll see!" for the child hadworked so diligently at her exercises that morning that she felt that shehad a right to claim at least half a dozen new pieces from MissHanenwinkel to-morrow.
At this moment the bell rang for the twins to go to their lessons; a soundthat Hunne was well-pleased to hear, for now he could have Dora to himselftill dinner-time; and the little girl gave herself up to him so cheerfullyand with such warm interest in the artistic performances of hisnut-cracker, that he made a firm resolution then and there never to lether go again. But no sooner was dinner over, than his plan was completelyupset. Paula had finished her French lessons, and with her mother's leave,she now took possession of Do
ra. As for Dora, she asked nothing better;she would have been glad to spend whole days and nights talking withPaula, telling all the secrets of her heart, and hearing in return all herfriend's thoughts and wishes, hopes and fears. They both felt sure thatthey could never be tired of being together, and of sharing each other'smemories of the past and plans for the future. A long life-time would notbe enough for them. It was seven o'clock before they again joined thefamily group which was gathered under the apple-tree; and being late theyslipped into their places very quickly, for the father had begun to coughsignificantly, to show that things were not just as they should be. Duringthe meal, Rolf cast meaning looks across to Dora, that seemed to say,
"We two have a plan together next; don't forget!"
While they all sat chatting merrily after supper was over, Rolf waswatching the sky, to see when the first pale star should peep through thetwilight amid the twigs of the apple-tree; and as soon as he spied one, hecame to Dora, saying
"Now, Dora, look, up there!" and he carried her off to the very farthestcorner of the garden, to make sure that none of his brothers or sistersshould interfere with them. He felt quite securely hidden under protectingnut-trees, and placing himself in the right position, he began his lesson.
"Do you see, there, your five stars--one two three, and then two more. Doyou see them distinctly?"
"Oh yes; I know them so well, so well," said Dora.
"Well, that constellation is Cassiopeia. And now just wait a moment, Dora.I've just thought of a riddle that is very appropriate. You can guess iteasily, if you try."
"I will if I can, but I am afraid your riddles are too hard for me:"
"My first's a most delicious drink, But best of all when fresh, I think. Add then my second, and you make An adjective, small pains to take! My third must strait and narrow prove Or 'twill not lead to heaven above. Now for my whole--a countless host In which each separate light is lost.
"Have you guessed it, Dora?"
"No, and I'm sure I cannot guess it. I am terribly dull at such things. Iam sorry; for it makes it stupid for you, but I can't help it," said Doradolefully.
"Of course you can't help it now, because you are not used to them," saidthe boy consolingly. "I will give you an easier one to begin with:
"For full enjoyment of our youth My first is needful as the truth, And at man's very farthest end My second comes--and now attend, Master of Greek Philosophy My whole, its shining crown you see."
"I cannot, I cannot, you are only losing time and trouble, Rolf, I do notknow the least bit about Greek things," said Dora sighing.
"Never mind, I will try another country; how is this?" and before Doracould protest, the indefatigable riddle-maker declaimed:
"My fickle first is said to be England's high-road of industry; But Germany denies the same And with a _Key_ she makes her claim. In Russia, nihilistic power Threatens my second, every hour. But Rome, Imperial Rome, to you, My whole was pride and terror too!"
"That's true!" It was a deep voice that echoed in the surroundingdarkness, and the startled children clung to each other for a moment interror. Then Dora began to laugh.
"It is Uncle Titus," she said, "he is sitting there in the summer-house.Come, Rolf, let us go in and see him."
Rolf assented; and they found Uncle Titus sitting there with his chairtipped back against the wall, looking very much pleased to see them. Rolfreturned his greeting very cordially, and inquired quite casually whetherhe had guessed the riddle.
"I think it must be 'Caesar,' is it not, my son?" said Uncle Titus tappingthe lad kindly on the shoulder.
"Yes, that's right; and did you hear the others I was saying, and did youguess them?"
"Possibly, possibly, my son," replied the good man. "I am much mistaken ifthe first is not 'Milky-way,' and the second, 'Plato.'"
"Both right!" cried Rolf, highly delighted. "It is the greatest fun tomake riddles and have them guessed so quickly. I have another, andanother, and one more. May I give you another, Mr. Ehrenreich?"
"Certainly, my dear boy, why not? out with them, all three, and we willtry to guess them all."
Rolf was enchanted, and set about recalling them. "I will take theshortest first," he said:
"My first implies strength and grace; In all things my second finds place; My whole was the scourge of the race."
"Have you guessed that?"
"Very likely, very likely, my son; now the next:"
"Take all that the senses attest Add the sign of the beast for the rest, And my glorious whole stands confessed."
"And now another," said Uncle Titus, nodding.
"And now I have a very long one, and rather harder," said the lad:
"A thrill through all the nations ran, When he, my whole, the grand old man, Spoke words that e'en my second turn My first, with hopes that glow and burn. But now are hearts to anger spurred; Nations are sick with hope deferred, Alas! small chance for Ireland we know! My first my second at my whole we throw."
Rolf stopped, quite excited with the declamation of his favorite charade.
"Now we will begin to guess, my son," said Uncle Titus, with a pleasedexpression: "First, Bonaparte. Second, Matterhorn. Third, Gladstone."
"Every one right!" cried Rolf, exultantly. "This is splendid! I havealways wanted to do this with my riddles; that is, find some one who couldguess them all. Before this, I've always had a heap of unguessed riddles.Now they are all guessed, and I can begin again with a new set!" Rolf wasfull of satisfaction.
"I will make you a proposal, my son," said Uncle Titus, as he rose fromhis seat, and prepared to return to the cottage; "Come to me here everyevening, and bring me the fresh set. Who knows but that I may have a fewto give you in return?"
By this time it was rather too late for the study of the stars, and thathad to be postponed; so Dora and Rolf returned to the rest of the family;Rolf quite overjoyed with the pleasant interview he had had, and with theprospect of its repetition; while on his side Uncle Titus wended his wayto the cottage, filled with quiet satisfaction at the thought of his newfriend; for he had always wanted a son, a twelve year old son, who shouldhave left behind the noise and follies of childhood, and have become oldenough to be an intelligent and agreeable companion. Now Rolf fulfilledthese conditions; and moreover displayed a decided predilection for UncleTitus, who began to feel a most paternal interest spring up in his hearttowards the lad. So gladly did he feel it, that as he strode through thegarden, in the light of the shining, starry host, he broke out with,
"Live your life merrily While the lamp glows; Ere it can fade and die, Gather the rose."
For the tune was floating in his memory as he had heard it sung thatmorning by the fresh young voices, and out came the joyous notes underthe peaceful heavens.
At the cottage window, Aunt Ninette stood looking out for her husband; andas she heard his voice singing this merry melody, it was with nothingshort of amazement that she said to herself, "Can that be Uncle Titus?"