Uncle Titus and His Visit to the Country Read online

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  There were times when it seemed as if little Hunne could find noresting-place for the sole of his foot, when he wandered restlessly backand forth through the house incessantly. No one would pay any attention tohim, he was sent from one person to another, and even his mother only badehim sit quietly at his own little table until she was at liberty to cometo him. Of course Hunne's restless moments were just those when everybodywas particularly busy, such as Saturday morning when no one had a momentto spare. And on this particular Saturday, the child had been wanderingabout the passages among the sofas and chairs which, having been put outthere during the weekly sweeping, looked as restless and out-of-place asHunne himself.

  He spent a long time looking for his mother and he found her at lastup-stairs in the attic, but she sent him down at once, for she was busywith the clothes for the wash. "There, dear, go and find Paula; perhapsshe is not busy just now." Hunne found Paula at the piano.

  "Go away, Hunne, I must practise," said she. "I have not time to guessyour riddles; there comes Miss Hanenwinkel; ask her."

  "Miss Hanenwinkel," cried the little boy, "my first you can eat but notdrink."

  "O spare me, Hunne" interrupted the governess, who seemed in a hurry. "Ifyou break out into charades too, what will become of us? I have not amoment to waste. See, there is Mr. Julius just getting off his horse; askhim."

  Off ran Hunne.

  "Jule, nobody will guess my riddle, and even Miss Hanenwinkel is too busy,so she sent me to ask you."

  "Well, what is it, my little man? out with it," said Jule good-humoredly.

  So the child repeated his "you can eat but not drink," and then stoppedshort.

  "Well, go on! What comes next?" said his brother, "what is the rest?"

  "You must make the rest, Jule; the whole is nut-cracker."

  "Oh yes, I see; that is all right. Now look here; since Miss Hanenwinkelsent you to me to guess for her, I will send one to her by you. Now sayit over and over until you have learned it. It is rather long:"

  "First cut short your laughter for me, Then spell me a _nun_ with an _e_, Shut quickly with meaning, one eye, Then add me an _el_, and--good-bye-- Good-bye till I meet you again."

  It did not take Hunne long to learn the lines, and he started off at onceto find the governess. She was sitting with Wili and Lili in the schoolroom, patiently trying to get them to finish their examples; but they wereboth so absent-minded, that she was sure that they were planning somethingextraordinarily mischievous. In rushed the little Hunne:

  "A riddle, Miss Han--"

  "No, positively no! This is not the proper time to bring me things toguess."

  The voice was very firm, almost severe, but Hunne had Jule to back him, sohe was full of courage, and he kept repeating;

  "Jule told me to."

  "Well, say it then quickly," said the governess, relenting a little.

  And Hunne repeated the riddle very slowly but correctly.

  Now Miss Hanenwinkel was a native of Bremen, and therefore very quick atrepartee, and she never hesitated for an answer. She seated herselfdirectly at a table, and dashed off the following in reply:

  "In the long hot hours that mark my first, My whole my second did invite Together gaily to unite. When the ripe nuts their coverings burst, They did the work--he ate his share, Then tossed the nut-shells everywhere."

  "There, take this back to Mr. Julius," she said, handing the paper toHunne, "and tell him that as he made such a fine charade on my name, I donot wish to be behind-hand with him. Now, after this, stay away, littleone, for we have our examples to do, and we cannot be interrupted again."

  Wili and Lili for their part, did not seem to care if the examples wereinterrupted. It was only too evident that they had something in theirminds; and that it disturbed their little brains to such an extent, thatwork was almost impossible for them. While their teacher was busy with thecharade and little Hunne, the twins had drawn their chairs nearer andnearer, and laid their two heads together over some very importantplans--so very important and engrossing that Miss Hanenwinkel soon closedthe book, with the remark that if the arithmetic were only some foolishnonsensical trick or other, there might be some chance of their beingwilling to work over it and understand it. She was probably right, for thetwins had certainly an unusual talent for tricks of all kinds. No soonerwas the lesson-hour over, than they rushed forth, and betook themselves tothe wash-house, where they stood gazing at the tubs of various sizes, andwhispering mysteriously.

  At dinner-time, Julius taking out a paper, asked,

  "Who can guess this excellent charade, composed by Miss Hanenwinkel?" andhe read it aloud.

  He had scarcely finished when Rolf called out the answer, "July-us!"

  Miss Hanenwinkel however said nothing about the lines which Julius hadcomposed on her name, for she was rather shy about the little slap at herpeculiarity of speech, that appeared in the last line.

  As soon as dinner was over, Wili and Lili ran off to the wash-house again.Saturday afternoon they had no lessons. So they had a beautiful time allto themselves. To be sure, it was understood that the governess shouldlook after them a little. But when she saw the children go into thewash-house, she took it for granted that they were going to have a grandwash of doll's clothes, such as they often had. She was very glad thatthey would be safely occupied for a few hours at least.

  But the twins, be it known, had far greater aspirations this afternoon,than for a simple doll's-wash. They had been playing with the Noah's ark,which their father had brought them, and had thought a great deal aboutthe peculiar and wonderful life those people must have led in the ark atthe time of the Flood. It occurred to Lili that she should like to trywhat it was like, to live in an ark, and even to take a voyage in one, andof course Wili, as usual, agreed with her enthusiastically. Lili's planswere all made; she had thought out all the details, for she was anobserving little maiden, and knew the uses of many things and how to turnthem to her own purposes. She chose one of the middle-sized wash-tubs foran ark. There would be room enough for all the animals, if they would sitquietly in their places.

  Of course the animals were Schnurri and Philomele. The twins tried to coaxthem to take their parts in the play. Schnurri came growling at theircall, but Philomele purred and rubbed back and forth against Lili's legs,till the little girl took her up in her arms, and said,

  "Ah, my dear little Philomele, you are a great deal nicer than that oldSchnurri."

  This was the way it always was with these two creatures. The cat wascalled Philomele or _nightingale_, because she purred in such a melodiousmanner. The dog was named Schnurri, which means _growler_, because he hada habit of constant growling; though he always had good reason of his ownfor it. They had both been taught to live peaceably with each other, andto do each other no mischief of any kind. Schnurri was very good aboutit; followed the rule most punctiliously, and treated Philomele with greatconsideration. When they ate their dinner from the same dish, he ateslowly, because with her smaller mouth she could not take in as much at atime as he did. But it was quite different with the cat. One moment sheseemed as friendly as possible with Schnurri, and rubbed up against himand was playful and kind; especially if any one of the family was looking;then suddenly, without warning, she would raise her little paw and givehim a sharp scratch behind the ear. Then he growled of course, and as thisbehavior of Philomele's was very frequent, it followed that he seemed tobe constantly growling. So he got his name of Schnurri, though reallyquite unjustly, for by nature he was most friendly and peaceable.

  The first thing needed for the ark-voyage was water. Lili knew how thewater was brought into the wash-house when the clothes were ready for thewash. There was a spring just opposite, with a log through which the waterflowed freely; and when they wanted to fill the tubs, they placed a longwooden spout under the log, and let the water run through. That was simpleeno
ugh. Now Lili thought that if she could arrange the spout, so as tolead the water to the floor of the wash-house, it would soon make a pond,on which the tub-ark would float, all ready for the voyage. How to get thelong spout in place; that was the question.

  The children debated for a while whether to ask Battiste or Trine to helpthem carry out their plan. Between old Battiste and young Trine, therewere very much the same relations as between Schnurri and Philomele. Theman had been a servant in the Birkenfeld family for many years, and hisknowledge of all departments of work, in house and stable and farm causedhim to be consulted on every occasion. It must be confessed that Trine wasrather jealous of Battiste's influence, because though she had not beenvery long in Mr. Birkenfeld's service herself, she had an aunt who hadlived in the family many years; indeed until she grew too old to work.When this aunt had to give up, Trine had succeeded to her place; and so itwas that she felt that she had long established rights in the house, andthat Battiste took more upon himself than was quite fair. When any of thefamily were about, she was very civil to her fellow servant, but behindtheir backs she gave many a saucy word, and played tricks upon him now andthen. Just the dog and cat again!

  The children understood pretty well how things stood between the two, andprofited by their petty quarrels and jealousy. Wili and Lili really wouldrather have asked Trine than Battiste, for they had more hope of gettingwhat they wanted from her, as she took new ideas more readily than theman, who did not like to be put out of his usual ways. But unluckily, whatthey wanted was under Battiste's charge. So it was settled that Lilishould ask him to help them, while Wili held on to the cat and dog, lestthey should run away.

  Battiste was out on the barn floor, arranging a collection of seeds. HereLili found him, and she planted herself before him with her hands behindher back, just as she had seen her papa stand, when giving orders.

  "Battiste," she said very firmly, "where is the spout that is used to fillthe tubs in the wash-house?"

  Battiste lifted his face from his seeds, and looked curiously at Lili asshe stood there, as if he were waiting to hear the question again; for healways took things moderately. At last he replied with a question in histurn:

  "Did your mamma send you to ask me?"

  "No, I came of my own self."

  "Then I don't know where the spout is."

  "But, Battiste, I only want a little water from the spring; why can't Ihave just that?"

  "I know that kind of a little bird," said Battiste, grumblingly, "now alittle water, and now a little fire, and always mischief. Can't have it.Can't give it to you."

  "Oh well, I don't care," said Lili, and went straight to the kitchen,where Trine was scouring pans.

  "Trine, dear," said she coaxingly, "come and give me the water-spout.Battiste won't let us have it. You'll get it for us, won't you?"

  "Of course I will," said the maid, "a little water you might be allowed,I'm sure. But you must wait till the old bear is out of the way; and thenI'll go and get you what you want."

  After a while Trine saw Battiste coming from the barn; he went past thehouse, down toward the meadows.

  "Come along now," she said, and taking Lili's hand, she ran with her tothe wash-house, lifted the long wooden spout from its hiding-place, putone end into the log, and the other into a small tub. Then she explainedto Lili that when they had enough water, they could push the spout awayfrom the log, and when they wanted it again, they could lift it up and putit into the log themselves. But now she must go back to her work.

  Away went Trine, and now the preparations for the voyage could begin. Thechildren took the lower end of the spout out of the tub, and put it downupon the floor. Lili got into the new ark, and then Wili, and then theylifted in the cat and the dog. Noah and his wife sat side by side, andrejoiced over their safety and over the delightful voyage they should makeon the rising waters of the flood, as the stream from the spout flowedmerrily in upon the wash-house floor. The water rose very fast. Now, yes,now the ark fairly floated, and Noah and his wife shouted for joy! Theflood had begun, and they were floating backward and forth upon thesurface of the water!

  The wash-house floor was lower by several steps than the level of theground outside. The water rose and rose, and the children began to befrightened.

  "Look, Wili, we can't get out again, and it is getting very deep."

  Wili gazed thoughtfully over the edge of the tub, and said, "If it getsmuch deeper we shall be drowned."

  And it went on getting deeper and deeper.

  Pretty soon Schnurri grew restless, and sprang up, making the tub roll sofrightfully as almost to upset it. The water was now so deep that thechildren could not get out without danger, and they became dreadfullyfrightened, and began to cry out as loud as they could,

  "We are drowning! Mamma! Battiste! Trine! We are drowning!" Then they nolonger used any words, but simply screamed, quite beside themselves withterror. Schnurri barked and howled in sympathy, but Philomele scratchedand bit at everything within reach. Now the true character of the twoanimals showed itself. The cat would not go out of the tub into thewater, and would not stay quietly in it, either, but fought like a madcreature. But when the faithful dog found that, in spite of all thescreams and howls, no one came to their aid, he jumped into the water,swam to the door, shook himself vigorously, and ran away. The childrenscreamed louder than ever, for the dog's movements had made the tub tipback and forth, and they were well scared.

  Dora had run down from her room, and was peeping through her opening inthe hedge, to try to find out the cause of these terrible cries. Thewash-house stood quite near the hedge, but she could not see anythingexcept the logs that carried the water to it from the spring. She heardthe cry "We are drowning!" and she ran back up-stairs, calling out,breathless with fright,

  "Aunt, aunt! two children are drowning over there! don't you hear themcall?"

  Her aunt had closed all the windows, but the screams penetrated even toher ears.

  "Oh dear, what can that be?" she exclaimed, in the greatest alarm. "I heara terrible cry; but who says they are drowning? Mrs. Kurd! Mrs. Kurd! Mrs.Kurd!"

  Meantime, Schnurri, all dripping-wet, ran to the shed where Battiste wasshaping bean-poles for the kitchen garden. The dog rushed at Battiste,barking furiously, seized him by the trousers, and tried to pull himalong.

  "Something is amiss," said the man to himself; and taking a longbean-pole on his shoulder, in case it should be needed, he followedSchnurri to the wash-house. By this time the whole family had assembledthere--the mother, the governess, Julius, Paula, Rolf, Hunne, and last ofall Trine; for the cries had reached every corner of house and garden.Battiste stretched his long pole across the water to the floating tub.

  "Now, catch hold of that, and hold on tight, very tight," he said, andpulled the ark and its occupants towards dry land. Wili and Lili were aswhite as chalk from their long fright.

  It was no time to question the children about this new mishap, for theywere in no condition to talk about it; so the mother wisely took each bythe hand, and led them to the seat under the apple-tree, to recoverthemselves. Julius followed with little Hunne, saying, "Oh Wili and Lili,you terrible twins, you will come to some dreadful end before long."

  Old Battiste rolled up his trousers and stepped into the water in thewash-house, to pull out the stopper from the waste pipe so that the floodcould subside from the land of Noah. Trine stood looking on. Battistegrowled at her.

  "You have no more sense than the seven-year-old babies! But that is theway things go!" for he had seen at once, who must have given them thewater-spout. Trine did not think it best to reply at that moment, as shehad been fairly caught in the wrong, but she secretly got her claws readyto scratch when her chance came--just like Philomele. When the littleparty under the apple-tree were somewhat tranquillized again, the cat camepurring and rubbing herself fawningly about Lili's feet. The child onlygave her an angry push, and turned to caress old Schnurri, who lay, stillwet, on the ground near by; while Wili patte
d him affectionately, sayingsoftly,

  "You shall have all my supper to-night, old fellow."

  "Mine too," said Lili, and they both understood now the real characters ofthe two pets.

  Hunne sat looking thoughtfully at the rescued party, and at last accostedJule, who was walking back and forth on the gravel path:

  "Look here, Jule, what will the 'dreadful end' be like?"

  "Oh it may be anything, Hunne. You see they have tried fire and water, andnext they will pull the house down about our ears, I dare say. Then weshall lie under the ruins, and it will be all over with us."

  "Shan't we be able to jump up quick, and get out of the way?" asked Hunne,anxiously.

  "We may; unless the twins should be seized with their great idea in themiddle of the night."

  "You'll wake me up then Jule, won't you?" asked the little fellowpleadingly.

  Mrs. Kurd had come running at the repeated summons of Aunt Ninette, justas Battiste had gone to save the patriarchs of the flood with hisbean-pole; and when she reached her, the tumult was stilled.

  "Did you hear that, Mrs. Kurd? It was frightful! Everything is quiet now,and I hope they are saved!"

  "Oh yes, of course," said Mrs. Kurd, quite unconcernedly, "it is only thelittle ones. They are always crying out about something. There isn'treally anything the matter."

  "No; but children's cries are so shrill; I am shivering all over. How willmy husband stand it? No; this settles it, Mrs. Kurd. We shall go away.This is the last drop."

  With these words Mrs. Ehrenreich hurried into her husband's room to seehow he had borne the shock. He was sitting at his table, with his earsstopped with cotton wool, and he did not hear his wife come in. He hadstuffed his ears when the first cry came, and had therefore escaped therest of the hubbub.

  "Oh, that is very unhealthy, it is so heating for the head;" cried AuntNinette, much distressed. She pulled the wool from his ears, and announcedthat she should go directly after the church-service on the morrow, andask the pastor where they could move to, since this place was unendurable.

  This plan suited Uncle Titus as well as any other; all he wanted wasquiet. Aunt Ninette, thinking over her plans, went back to her own room.

  Dora stood waiting for her aunt in the passage-way. "Are we really goingaway, Aunt?" she asked anxiously.

  "Yes, decidedly;" replied Mrs. Ehrenreich, "we shall move on Monday."

  Poor little Dora! it was a sad trial to her, to have to go away withoutonce having a chance to make the acquaintance of the other family; to gointo the beautiful garden, to smell those delicious flowers, and to jointhe merry child-life that she had watched so closely, and yet from whichshe was so entirely separated. Her future seemed swallowed up in thosestifling cotton shirts that were her fate in dull Karlsruhe. As she sat onthe side of her little bed, that night, sadly cast down by thesemelancholy thoughts, she forgot the five friendly stars in the sky above.Yet there they were, sparkling as ever, as if they were trying to speak totheir child and say, "Dora, Dora! have you quite forgotten your father'sverses?"